Невозможно выполнить запрос к БД: Server shutdown in progress Query: SELECT SQL_CACHE ap.model_id as 'id', IF(c.name='Прочее','0Прочее',c.name) as 'name', c.url_cut as 'url', count(ap.id) as 'count' FROM `autoparts` ap INNER JOIN `categories` c ON ap.model_id = c.id AND c.`type` = 'model' WHERE ap.mark_id = 36862 AND ap.salon_id IN (292223,293356,294221,294277,294416,296020,296245,298055,299064,299161,299162,299347,299349,299977,300172,300448,301944,302069,302166,302561,302563,302630,302888,302914,302925,302952) AND ap.active = 1 AND ap.salon_id NOT IN (299063,292320,292421) AND (ap.salon_id NOT IN (299063) OR ap.source_url != '') AND (ap.salon_id NOT IN (300229,292421) OR ap.feed = 1) AND (ap.salon_id NOT IN (300438,302137,302138,302139,292320,292320,302138,302137,302139) OR ap.drom = 1) GROUP BY ap.model_id ORDER BY 2 ASC